Blue Star Celestial Energy Attunement
Blue Star Celestial Energy is a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God and man, the Rainbow Bridge, enabling the adept to utilise this potential and to function at expanded levels of awareness.
The ancients of India, Persia, Chaldea and Egypt were the priests of nature, the patriarchs of knowledge and the founders of vast civilisations. They were the keepers of magic, the priestly healers of the sick and the preservers of secret wisdom. The ultimate aim of their ritual and practices was spiritual transmutation; the realisation of the true and full mental powers that are the natural heritage of the human psyche incarnate.
Blue Star Celestial Energy offers a passage through the universal door allowing the adept to continue the search for knowledge, enlightenment and it’s sharing with all sentient beings. It can have benefits such as health, protection, financial gain, and other matters pertaining to the needs of everyday life.
Before you purchase please ensure
- You will have a quiet space to accept the attunement, and become familiar with the energies
- You should seek medical advice if you are ill or unwell
- You have the openness and commitment to receive and accept the energy
- Prerequisites for this attunement Reiki Master