Telephone Reading
This is where any reading can be done over the phone before hand you either need to text me on 07514091851 and we can talk about booking a time or you can send me an email to book a time. All of my readings can be done via telephone or via skype. You can select a reading option on this page.
The options are:
Tarot Reading - Focuses on past, present, and future but can also focus on specific questions if asked previously.
Mediumship Reading - With this you would send me a photo of a loved one or ask for a loved one in particular and I will see if I can bring them through.
Relationship Reading - This is where I will do my usual relationship reading but over the phone.
Multiple Deck Reading - This includes a tarot reading alongside another deck of cards, this can be anything from past life, specific archangel decks and much much more.